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my blog

Throughout life you’ll know when you have had a great leader, teacher, coach, manager or role model, when there are things they would say that last with you forever. I’m big on one-liners. One line that puts everything into perspective. One line that helps get you through a tough moment. My goal in life is […]


January 6, 2023

Words I live By

Why is making a decision SO HARD!? This is the narrative that so many of us tell ourselves. We are scared of what will happen if we do, we’re scared of what will happen if we don’t. We don’t know what the right decision is, what if we choose the wrong option? What if one […]


January 6, 2023

The Secret to Being Decisive




the kick starter

the game changer


©2023 mr life coach by miranda Tarpey | site credit karima creative

life coach

I am your certified goal & success coach. A Certified Life Coach with a specialty in guiding women and small business owners

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